The Aubrey Group Helps Secure $183,341 in Grants for Historic Site in the Borough of Matawan, NJ

According to the Monmouth County Master Plan, Matawan has been designated as an upcoming Arts, Cultural, and Entertainment (ACE) Hub, which is defined as municipalities that have a high concentration of arts and cultural activities to serve as a destination for both visitors and locals, usually including an active nightlife scene in proximity to said cultural activities.

Along with arts and culture, historic preservation is a Borough priority. Matawan’s Main Street and surrounding streets contain dozens of historical houses and buildings dating back to the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries.

Notably, in the fall of 2023, The Aubrey Group helped the Borough secure two grants totaling $183,341 from The New Jersey Historic Trust from the Preserve New Jersey Historic Preservation Fund within the first few months of commencing the working relationship with the Borough.

These resources will allow for critical electrical upgrades in the amount of $149,377 as well as $33,964 for a Preservation Plan to guide long-term improvements to the Burrowes Mansion in Matawan.

Borough Historian and Chair of the Matawan Historical Sites Commission Kurtis Roinestad noted the Mansion as “a treasured institution in our Borough … (with) substantial historical significance in Matawan.”

“We are pleased to be able to make the investment of more than $14 million in 16 counties throughout the state. We will continue to assist new grantees through our grant programs to help preserve New Jersey’s historic legacy.”
— New Jersey Historic Trust Executive Director Dorothy Guzzo

Click here to read more on the Borough of Matawan’s website.


Weekly Grant Round-Up