Weekly Grant Round-Up
The National Endowment for the Humanities' "Public Impact Projects at Smaller Organizations" program helps museums and cultural organizations, serving a population smaller than 200,000 people, develop interpretive public humanities programming. Eligible activities include: hiring an interpretive consultant to develop programming based on your collection; planning and delivering public programs; visits to other organizations to observe other interpretive programs; and long-term exhibition programming. Local municipalities and eligible nonprofits can apply for up to $25,000, and applications are due June 12, 2024. Click for more information and get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.
The National Park Service's "Battlefield Restoration Grants" program assists in the restoration of eligible battlefields from the American Civil War, the Revolutionary War, and the War of 1812. This program has two pathways: "Scoping Grants", which are for early stages of project development like planning, and "Implementation Grants" for carrying out restoration projects. Applicants can apply for up to $100,000 for "Scoping Grants", and $750,000 for "Implementation Grants". Applications require a 1:1 match and are due May 15, 2024. Click for more information and get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.
The deadline is approaching for the Nasdaq Quarterly Grant Program, which helps increase diversity in the investing world. It has two grant areas:
Empowering organizations that enhance financial literacy in under-represented communities.
Supporting entrepreneurs who promote diversity.
This program prioritizes funding for organizations that improve access to capital for women and diverse communities, and improve access to knowledge and tools among people who have been historically underrepresented in investing. The average award from the Nasdaq Foundation is $75,000, and applications for this round of funding are due on May 10, 2024. Click for more information and get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.