Weekly Grant Round-Up

The Lt. Joseph P. DiBernardo Memorial Foundation Grants for Firefighters program provides funding to fire departments in need of personal safety systems (PSS). Funds can also be used for training related to using this equipment. Applicants can request up to $25,000, and submissions are due on June 30, 2024. Click for more information and get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.

The US DOJ's Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Community Policing Development (CPD) Microgrant Program has just opened. This opportunity provides funding to local, state, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies to implement demonstration or pilot projects that offer creative ideas to advance crime fighting, community engagement, problem solving, or organizational changes in support of community policing in one of several subcategories. Applicants can request up to  $175,000 in funding, with no match required, and submissions are due on May 14, 2024. Click for more information and get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.

The Local Property Acquisition Grant is a pilot program from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA). This program funds municipalities to acquire property to facilitate and enable the property's future redevelopment. This program has two tracks for applicants: Acquisitions for Strategic Public Land Use, and Acquisitions for Future Development Projects. Municipalities can apply for $50,000 to $4,000,000 in funding, with a twenty-percent non-federal match. Applications are due May 20, 2024. Click for more information and get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.

The TD Charitable Foundation's "Regional Grants Program" has new opportunities for funding every two months. This program gives grants to nonprofit organizations, in the range of $5,000 to $10,000. Eligible nonprofits have to be aligned with one or more of the Foundation's priorities: "Financial Security", which helps build financial confidence in the community; "Vibrant Planet", which protects and restores our environment; "Connected Communities", to increase inclusion in our communities; and "Better Health", for supporting innovative solutions for equitable healthcare. Applications for the upcoming funding round are due June 21, 2024. Click for more information and get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.


Weekly Grant Round-Up


Weekly Grant Round-Up