Dark lettering of the word "Montclair" with an orange circle near the "l" stylized as a logo

Comprehensive Grant Strategy, Administration, and Oversight

CLIENT: Township of Montclair, NJ
Grant Program Development and Grant Writing | Nonprofit Consulting including Board Development, Individual Donor Development, and Capital Campaigns | Grant Administration and Reporting

The Aubrey Group has been the Township of Montclair’s principal grants and project consulting firm since 2021. During that time, we have developed a comprehensive grants strategy that supports the Township’s impressive community and economic development goals.

Our team has researched grant opportunities, developed potential programs, and submitted funding requests to local, state, and federal agencies.

Since our working relationship began, The Aubrey Group has helped the Township of Montclair attain $3,390,000 in resources. We have completed applications totaling more than $5M in requests and anxiously await award announcements along with the Township.

Some notable examples of successes include:

  • In 2023, a US Department of Transportation Safe Streets and Roads for All grant was awarded for $438,220, the full amount requested. This award, along with an in-kind match will be used to conduct demonstration activities and inform the Essex County regional Safety Action Plan. Funds will be used to develop a supplemental action plan and demonstration projects to reach Montclair’s Vision Zero goal by 2030.

  • A successful FY2023 Community Project Funding request to Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill for over $2,000,000 for the PFOAS and Perchlorate Treatment / Rand Well Project.

  • A $24,000 award via the NJ Department of Community Affairs American Rescue Plan Firefighter Grant to purchase turnout gear, helmets, hoods, and gloves for the Township’s fire department personnel in late 2022.

  • A $300,000 award to implement and support the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Program aims to support additional officers and enhance collaboration with residents and community organizations. The program also supports victims, agency staff, and partners impacted by these crimes. Further, the program provides support to reimburse extraordinary expenses associated with investigating and prosecuting hate crimes.

Our team secured technical assistance from the NJ Department of Environmental Protection for a stormwater utility feasibility study. In 2023, we helped secure $1,000,000 from the US Department of Agriculture Inflation Reduction Act Urban Community Forestry for expansion of the urban community forestry, educational outreach, and opportunities for youth employment.

About the Grantee: The Township of Montclair (population 40,000) is located in Essex County, New Jersey, about 12 miles from Manhattan. Montclair has a strong and unique identity as an excellent place to live and raise a family, a center for the arts and culture, and a great place to build a thriving business. When other municipalities across New Jersey and New York seek to revitalize their downtowns, they often point to Montclair as an example to which they can aspire.


Resident Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) for Newark Housing Authority (NHA)


National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) Grants for Arts Projects