Trump Admin States Funding Freeze Remains In Effect Despite Rescinding OMB Memo
Chaos continues to ensue at the federal level. Since our last update, the US Office of Budget and Management rescinded the original directive pausing federal financial assistance. The new memo is included below. It directs questions about implementing the President’s Executive Orders to agency general counsels without further clarification.
However, the White House Press Secretary stated that the “federal funding freeze” remains in “full force and effect” despite OMB's latest memo. Her full statement is included here:
While there are contradicting messages coming from the Trump Administration, the federal court system is still assessing the legality of the order. As stated previously, federal Judge Loren AliKhana ruled an administrative stay that blocked the original memo from taking effect until Monday to give that judge time to consider arguments by nonprofit groups challenging the freeze.
The Aubrey Group will continue to monitor this situation and provide more updates as necessary. We continue to recommend that clients prioritize federal financial drawdowns, award management, and federal grant applications. It is better to be overly prepared in situations of uncertainty. We are available for immediate assistance and strategy discussion at your convenience. You can reach out to Vice President Connor Schmiegel at / 856-535-1009 with any questions or concerns.