Weekly Grant Round-Up
The Next New Jersey Program, established by Governor Murphy, will attract outside investment into New Jersey's growing artificial intelligence (AI) industry. External funds will create new jobs for state residents and economic opportunities for New Jersey-based AI startups. AI-based entrepreneurs will receive access to capital to help them enter this growing field.
This program will be handled by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA). The NJEDA will grant tax credits to businesses that are working in artificial intelligence, or developing artificial intelligence data centers. This program paves the way for future grant programs to help AI industry startups and workers.
Click for more information and get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.
The Environmental Protection Agency's Community Change Grants program supports community-based approaches to redressing environmental and climate injustices. These grants are geared towards communities that are facing legacy pollution and historic disinvestment. This program has two tracks for grant applications:
Community-Driven Investments for Change Grants fund projects that improve the environmental, climate, and resilience conditions of disadvantaged communities. Awards from this program will range from $10 to $20 million, and the EPA plans on awarding 150 proposals in this track.
Meaningful Engagement for Equitable Governance Grants will help disadvantaged communities engage in governmental processes to advance environmental and climate justice. Awards from this program will range between $1 and $3 million, and the EPA plans on awarding 20 proposals in this track.
This program is open to partnerships between two community-based nonprofit organizations, or a partnership between a community-based nonprofit organization and a local government. This program does not have a cost-share requirement. Applications are due by November 12, 2024.
Click for more information and get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.
The People for Bikes Foundation provides grants to local government agencies and nonprofits in the United States. These grants fund bicycle infrastructure projects. Eligible projects include:
Developing permanent bike infrastructure, such as trails, bike parks, and bike playgrounds.
Land or easement acquisition, which will be used for future bike infrastructure.
Events that support cultural acceptance of bicycle infrastructure, and that support recently constructed bicycle infrastructure projects.
Awards for this program range between $5,000 and $10,000, and applications are due November 30, 2024.
Click for more information and get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.
The Department of Labor opened a new round of funding for its YouthBuild Program. This grant funds organizations that provide pre-apprenticeship programs for youth between the ages of 16 and 24. Eligible programs provide education, occupational skills training, leadership development, and high-quality placement opportunities to program participants.
The YouthBuild program model prepares young adults for quality jobs in multiple industries. Applicants must include construction skills training in their programs but may include occupational skills training for other in-demand opportunities. This program has $99,000,000 in total funding, and the Department of Labor expects to award 75 grants. There is a required 25% non-federal match for this program, and applications are due September 18, 2024.
Click for more information and get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.