Weekly Grant Round Up

This is your last chance to schedule a Pre-Application meeting with the New Jersey Department of Transportation Division of Local Aid to apply for the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program. The last day to have a mandatory Pre-Application meeting is April 11, 2025. Prospective applicants can discuss their project concept and get guidance on whether the proposed project is a good fit for the program. The team will help identify potential risks and discuss essential program requirements. Participation does not guarantee a grant but helps the applicant submit a competitive application.

The program awards grantees $350,000 to $1.5 million for community-based “non-traditional” surface transportation projects designed to strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of the nation’s intermodal system. Eligible activities include:

  • Designing and constructing on-road and off-road trail facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists.

  • Converting abandoned railroad corridors for trails for pedestrians and bicyclists.

  • Constructing scenic turnouts, overlooks, and viewing areas.

  • Historic preservation and rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities.

Complete applications are due on May 22, 2025.

Click for more information. Get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.

The New Jersey Economic Development Authority recently announced the Next New Jersey Program, an upcoming grant opportunity for AI. The program provides tax credits to eligible businesses to offset their state tax liability and for companies to engage in building and fostering the fast-growing AI economy in the State of the Innovators. This opportunity is for businesses; however, participating companies must partner with New Jersey-based public or private research institutions, technology startups, or incubators to drive AI innovation. More information will be available soon.

Click for more information. Get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.

The GEICO Philanthropic Foundation strives to support nonprofit organizations that provide programs and resources to help strengthen our diverse communities across the country, focusing on three main areas:

  • Education - STEM, childhood learning, safety.

  • Community Engagement - financial literacy, food insecurity, health and wellness initiatives.

  • Equity - initiatives addressing equity, justice, diversity, and inclusion.

Submissions are accepted from nonprofits between October 1 and December 31 annually, and award amounts are up to $20,000.

Click for more information. Get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.

Both US Senators for New Jersey have closed their applications for Congressionally Directed Spending requests. However, several Congressional Offices are still accepting requests for FY26. If you have not yet made an FY26 CDS request, The Aubrey Group can provide more details about doing so in your district.

Several Republican members expressed disappointment with the cancellation of FY25 earmark funding and stated their goal to ensure CDS is included next fiscal year. The Aubrey Group suggests moving forward with requests as usual.


Ongoing Federal Grant Updates: U.S. Department of Education


US Congress Eliminates FY25 Earmark Funding