Weekly Grant Round-Up
The Department of Transportation's Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) program is open to local governments. This program funds eligible planning, and construction projects to make railway crossings safer, for both highway-rail and pathway-rail grade crossings. Eligible projects include grade separations; track relocations; installing safety devices, signals, and signs; and planning projects for future larger-scale improvements. This program has $1,148,809,580 set aside in federal funding, with a required 20% non-federal match from applicants. Applications are due September 23, 2024. Click for more information.
Get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.
The New Jersey Office of the Attorney General's "Body Armor Replacement Fund" program funds local law enforcement agencies to purchase body armor for officers. The OAG expects that $2,450,000 will be set aside in total program funding. Accepted applications to this fund will receive a pro-rata share of program funding, depending on the agency's number of eligible officers. Eligible applicants must have a written mandatory body armor policy in place for uniformed officers. Applications are due August 30, 2024, and no matching funds are required. Click for more information.
Get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.
CSX's Pride in Service program is a rolling grants program geared towards non-profit organizations, government entities, law enforcement agencies, and fire departments. Awards are meant to fund programs that support local first responders and their families. Applicants can request up to $25,000 in funding. Click for more information.
Get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.
The J.W. Couch Foundation is accepting applications for its yearly grant program. The Couch Foundation awards nonprofits in the United States who work in the following focus areas:
Preservation - Nonprofits who are engaged in historical preservation; wildlife conservation; food and waste management; and animal wellbeing.
Education - Nonprofits who work in early childhood education; educate students in "21st-century skills" like adaptability and network learning; and support teachers.
Wellness - Nonprofits who work in mental health; digital wellbeing; mentorship with young people; and programs that encourage people to spend time outside.
The Couch Foundation does not have set award sizes but has $700,000 in total funding for Preservation awards, $300,000 in total funding for Education awards, and $190,000 in total funding for Wellness awards. Applications are due September 20, 2024. Click for more information.
Get in touch with us at hello@theaubreygroup.org for assistance.